As part of our Adventure Hour & Intimate Destination Wedding packages, we offer cupcakes for you to enjoy as part of your post-ceremony newlywed photography tour among our historic squares. We’ve found that having a sweet treat together after the ceremony (and sometimes, paired with a glass of champagne) can make our couples relaxed and happy, which is exactly the vibe we are striving for with your Savannah elopement! They also make a great prop for photos, both sweet and silly.
As a summer treat, here are some of our favorite pictures of our couples enjoying their post-wedding ceremony cupcakes. We provide your cupcakes from Gigi’s Cupcakes of Savannah because they are so tasty and easy to order for just for the two of you. The most requested flavor, is of course, Wedding Cake, but our favorite for photos is Confetti Fun.
Photos by It’s Megan Jones Photography.

Cupcakes also lead to sweet wedding kisses.

Jacob told us that he left all the details for their elopement to Katie, but insisted on picking the cupcake flavor himself!

Sara & Zach really got into posing and we loved it! How fun is their relationship?!?

I love how the cupcake looks with her nails!

Rob & Josh teased a cupcake smash… but held off on it.

However, our final featured couple, Stephanie & Paul, did the traditional cake/cupcake smash. To date, they have been the only ones who have gone through with it… and it was awesome!

How amazing and sweet were these photos!? We love our couples.
One last note: We are happy to provide cupcakes for our packages that include them, but we like our couples to consider these two thoughts in planning and filling out their questionnaire with their ceremony preferences.
One, is that because Savannah does get SO hot at times, there may be a chance of melting or icing sliding off that we can’t help. That can especially be the case in late spring and summer. Even if that happens, they will still be delicious!
Second, while the general idea of cupcakes probably sounds awesome when you are filling out your questionnaire for your package, if you don’t see yourself as the type to take pictures like these, or really don’t like sweets, you may want to pass on having them for your time with us.
And on that note, after looking at all these pictures again, I am off to Gigi’s to get a cupcake of my own (my personal favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough)!
Until next time,